Was ist Körperarbeit - Bodywork?

©: newsage.de
©: newsage.de

from Job's Body - A Handbook for Bodywork by Deane Juhan


- Our genetic blueprints are only the starting point of our individual development. The kind of conditioning we receive and the kinds of conscious choices we make play tremendous roles in our physical growth, our acquisition of skills, our health and maturity, and our aging.

- All our body's tissues are, then, a great deal more "plastic" and responsive to change and improvement throughout our lifetimes than we normally assume. Far from being "fixed" and "determined" by our biological inheritance, we are all still "works in progress."

- There is no sensation or emotion that is not translated into a muscular response of some kind; these feeling states are the primary bases of our habitual postures and our individual patterns of behavior.

- Bodywork, by using tactile input, can actually re-educate and re-program the organism into becoming more coordinated, more flexible, and more appropriately responsive - literally more "intelligent". A body/mind system that is integrated in this fashion will be more able to resist depression or disease, more able to attend to and repair itself in times of stress or injury.

- Various ancient and contemporary forms of bodywork go far beyond temporary pleasure or relief and actually alter conditioned responses, chemical balances, and structural relationships. That is, bodywork has the potential to deeply change and improve the given state of an individual. 

- Nothing is more essential to lasting positive change than self-awareness; it is the prerequisite for self-control. Bodywork is a direct and effective way to increase this awareness within an individual.


Daniela Keller [Tools-of-Life.at] ist mit Fokus auf Ernährung, Entgiftung und Stressreduktion und bioenergetische Körperarbeit, , seit 25 Jahren in eigener Praxis in Wien tätig. In der Einzelarbeit, Spezialisierung auf diffuse und komplexe Krankheitsbilder, wie Allergien, Autoimmun-Krankheiten, chronische Erschöpfung und trauma-sensitive, psychische Begleitung. Sie gibt Kurse und Workshops zu Grundlagen der Selbstheilung. Zu Ernährungsthemen finden Vorträge und eine Ernährungs-Sprechstunden statt.


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